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mod_trace enables tracing for requests based on defined rules.

Module Configuration



Basic Configuration

Config Item Description
Basic.DataPath String
Path of rule configuration
Basic.ServiceName String
Service name
Basic.TraceAgent String
Which trace agent to use (jaeger/zipkin)
Log.OpenDebug Boolean
Debug flag of module

Configuration about Zipkin

Config Item Description
Zipkin.HTTPEndpoint String
Http endpoint to report traces to
Zipkin.SameSpan String
Whether to use Zipkin SameSpan RPC style traces
Zipkin.ID128Bit String
Whether to use 128 bit root span IDs
Zipkin.SampleRate Float
The rate between 0.0001 and 1.0 of requests to trace

Configuration about Jaeger

Config Item Description
Jaeger.SamplingServerURL String
The address of jaeger-agent's HTTP sampling server
Jaeger.SamplingType String
The type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, or remote
Jaeger.SamplingParam Float
Param passed to the sampler
Jaeger.LocalAgentHostPort String
The address of jaeger-agent which receives spans
Jaeger.Propagation String
Which propagation format to use (jaeger/b3)
Jaeger.Gen128Bit Boolean
Whether to use 128 bit root span IDs
Jaeger.TraceContextHeaderName String
The http header name used to propagate tracing context
Jaeger.CollectorEndpoint String
The address of jaeger-collector
Jaeger.CollectorUser String
Basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
Jaeger.CollectorPassword String
Basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector

Configuration about Elastic

Config Item Description
Elastic.ServerURL String
Set the URL of the Elastic APM server
Elastic.SecretToken String
Set the token used to connect to Elastic APM Server


Example for Zipkin

DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe

# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = zipkin

OpenDebug = false

# Zipkin, only useful when the TraceAgent is zipkin

# HTTP Endpoint to report traces to
HTTPEndpoint =

# Use Zipkin SameSpan RPC style traces
SameSpan = false

# Use Zipkin 128 bit root span IDs
ID128Bit = true

# The rate between 0.0001 and 1.0 of requests to trace
SampleRate = 1.0

Example for Jaeger

DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe

# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = jaeger

OpenDebug = false

# Jaeger, only useful when the TraceAgent is jaeger

# SamplingServerURL is the address of jaeger-agent's HTTP sampling server
SamplingServerURL =

# Type specifies the type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, or remote
SamplingType = const

# Param is a value passed to the sampler.
# Valid values for Param field are:
# - for "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
# - for "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
# - for "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
# - for "remote" sampler, param is the same as for "probabilistic"
#   and indicates the initial sampling rate before the actual one
#   is received from the mothership.
SamplingParam = 1.0

# LocalAgentHostPort instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address
LocalAgentHostPort =

# Which propagation format to use (jaeger/b3)
Propagation = jaeger

# Use Jaeger 128 bit root span IDs
Gen128Bit = true

# TraceContextHeaderName is the http header name used to propagate tracing context.
TraceContextHeaderName = uber-trace-id

# Instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-collector at this URL
CollectorEndpoint = ""

# CollectorUser for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
CollectorUser = ""

# CollectorPassword for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
CollectorPassword = ""

Example for Elastic

DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe

# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = elastic

OpenDebug = false

# Elastic, only useful when TraceAgent is elastic

# Set the URL of the Elastic APM server
ServerURL =

# Set the token used to connect to Elastic APM Server
SecretToken = ""

Rule Configuration



Config Item Description
Version String
Version of the config file
Config Object
Trace rules for each product
Config[k] String
Product name
Config[v] Object
A list of trace rules
Config[v][] Object
A trace rule
Config[v][].Cond String
Condition expression, See Condition
Config[v][].Enable Boolean
Enable trace


  "Version": "20200218210000",
  "Config": {
    "example_product": [
         "Cond": "req_host_in(\"\")",
         "Enable": true